Glenmore forest and Scottish crossbill was the first bird on the list . Then onto avimore ski resort for ptarmigan we soon had red grouse popping up every where 30+ and some good photo opportunity's .
unforturnatley no ptarmergen , we moved on to another forest for capercalie and succeded with 3 males . Eagles were next findor valley was the location and after taking some photos of common gull , white tailed eagle and golden eagle was on the list.
Dick Dave Shaun Me
loch elina we went here for black throated diver and crested tit , no b t diver we did sucssed with common redstart and my first photo of crested tit ,
A superb bird to see , a sunny warm evening watching such a tropical looking bird , it don't get much better . also heard my first white throat and see a little ring plover.
There had been a few birds in kent I fancied possibles hoopee , kentish plover ,fan tail . the kentish plover was on isle of sheppy so on the easter sunday me and paul hawkins went and bagged it tick 276 . On the way home managed to see an alpine swift at warren george ,essex which was a nice year tick .
A lesser kestral was found in suffolk at the weekend and on the tuesday I was working in colchester 50 mins away , i finished early and was there by 3pm . 15 mins later tick 275 was in the bag and it was a mega ! . I shot to kessingland beach for a pallid swift but dipped you cant win them all.